Презентация Города Воскресенска

Презентация Города ВоскресенскаНовости воскресенска

Слайд 1Voskresensk Dmitry Baklykov, Form 11 Слайд 2 Voskresensk is a town and the administrative center of Voskresensk District of Moscow Region. It is situated in 88 kilometers off the south-east of Moscow upon the banks of the River Moscow. About 92,856 people live there. Слайд 3 Geography Voskresensk is situated in 80 km off the south-east of Moscow on both banks of the River Moscow.

The city has a complex town planning pattern including six residential units separated by industrial and warehouse areas. There are also transport pipelines, tributaries of the River Moscow. Слайд 4 Geography The total length of the city from the north-west to the south-east along the River and the railway line Moscow Ryazan is about 16 km. There are 5 railway stations in the city. They are: ‘Platform 88 km’, ‘Voskresensk’, ‘ Shifernaya ’, ‘ Moskvoretskaya ’ and ‘ Tsemgigant ’. Слайд 5 C limate The climate in Voskresensk is temperate and continental with moderately cold winters (the average temperature in January is - 10 ° C) and usually warm or hot summers (the average temperature in July is +18 ° C).

Новости воскресенска

There is also a distinct line between seasons, in other words, distinct seasonality. Winters last about 150 days a year, summers - about 90 days.

Springs and autumns last for about two months each. Слайд 6 Time zone According to the international standard Voskresensk is in Moscow Time Zone (MSK). The difference between MSK and Coordinated Universal Time is about +4:00 (MSD). Voskresensk time zone differs from zonal time by one hour. Слайд 7 The environment and pollution Voskresensk isn’t environmentally friendly and also rather polluted town. The main reasons of all these is firstly a chemical fertilizer plant ( JSC ‘ Uralkhim ’) and then a cement plant ‘ Gigant ’ ( JSC ‘ Lafarge’) Слайд 8 ‘ Gigant ’ Слайд 9 ‘ Volma ’ Слайд 10 The emblem of the city The present emblem was approved by the Board of Deputies of the urban settlement Voskresensk on the 24 th of October in 2008. Description of the emblem is: « There is a golden phoenix surrounded by bright flames, its wings have flares on the edges».

Новости Воскресенска

'Комары' Алексей Макаров 'Лицей №6' Воскресенск. Мой город Воскресенск Валентина Помазкова. Скачать презентацию. Идет загрузка презентации. Пожалуйста, подождите. 21 Микрорайон Гигант расположен в южной части города Воскресенск Московской области.


Презентация книги Сергея. В этом году конкурс посвящен 80-летию города Воскресенска.

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